Virtual Information Session for Registered Nursing

Learn more about our Registered Nursing program through this virtual information session.
Earn a degree through our Nursing program to be eligible for competitive, rewarding employment as a registered nurse.
Throughout our program, you will learn hands-on nursing skills from highly qualified faculty in our state-of-the-art simulation laboratory and various clinical experience opportunities. Clinical and field experience opportunities include surgical, obstetrical, pediatric and critical care hospital units; emergency and operating rooms; psychiatric, extended care and rehabilitation facilities; and home health and community healthcare agencies.
Join us at this virtual information session to gain insight into our admission criteria, academic prerequisites, program application, candidate selection process, curriculum and potential career trajectories for graduates.
This is a virtual information session; join through Zoom using a computer or smartphone.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 933 6218 9902
Passcode: RN
We recommend reviewing the Getting Started with Zoom guide before the session date.