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Stories that Redefine

A headshot of Daniel Levy.

Focusing on the Journey

An AACC alumnus shares how the Entrepreneurial Studies Institute helped him get his start.

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Language Studies to Law

After starting at AACC in 2022, Judah Contreras tried studying German, then Spanish, then on a whim, jumped to law and jurisprudence.

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Christina Ahn

I tried really hard to get good grades. I'm just proud of being able to get through the troubles of the pandemic and just starting again.

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Zack Buster

Life's fun. There's a lot of ups and downs in life, but you only get those ups and downs by going out there and experiencing it.

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Hunter in a hard hat, safety vest and gloves selecting a piece of metal from a pile.

An Alternative to College

Hunter, an HVAC pre-apprenticeship student, encourages others to consider trade school as a worthwhile alternative to college.

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Zoë Sharp

The flexibility of taking classes at AACC is, above all else, probably the most beneficial thing.

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