Explore and critically evaluate a variety of academic texts. Identify, discuss, and write about abstract ideas from a variety of complex academic texts. Expand and connect readings to other meaningful texts, to the world, and to lived experiences. Develop an understanding of the writing process in order to produce authentic academic writing, thus preparing students for success in college level reading and writing. Prerequisite: Appropriate placement into ACL 040. Note: ACL 040 is offered in an accelerated format, allowing students to complete their developmental reading and English requirements in one semester. A grade of at least C is required to enroll in ENG 101A.
Term: Fall 2024
Course Type: Credit - 5 Equivalent Credits
Section: 008 (Closed)
Ways to take the class: Online Sync
Days: MW
Time: 8:30AM to 11:15AM
Start Date: 09/09/2024
End Date: 12/15/2024
Location: Online
Online Synchronous
Instructor: Molly M Mee (Subject to change)
Class Size: 15
Section Info: Attendance in onlince class meetings MW from 8:30 - 11:15am is required for this section.