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Grace Sikorski

Grace Sikorski smiling with a beach in the background
Gender and Sexuality Studies 
Visual Arts and Humanities 
School of Liberal Arts 


Doctor of Philosophy 
Penn State University 
Master of Arts 
Penn State University 
Master of Fine Arts 
Creative Writing 
Lindenwood University 
Master of Arts (In Progress) 
Art History and Visual Culture 
Lindenwood University 
Bachelor of Arts 
Queens College

A Little More

Grace Sikorski is an author and scholar most interested in theories of personal identity, gender and sexuality, and in absurd, surreal and magical realist fiction. Since 2003 she has taught AACC courses in research writing, literature, creative writing, gender and sexuality studies, and art history.  
If you take a class with Sikorski, you’ll likely learn about topics that might be unexpected given the course title or the department offering the course. She introduces her students to topics in history, psychology, philosophy, politics, critical race theory and more. And she’ll encourage you to explore what is more important and interesting to you. 
“At AACC I enjoy helping students to achieve their full potential, to feel confident and capable, and to trust their instincts,” she said. “I enjoy giving them opportunities to learn new skills and to grow as writers, thinkers and individuals.” 
Sikorski is a prolific writer herself. Her work has appeared in numerous publications (see below) and she has worked as an editor for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Sinister Wisdom and The Lindenwood Review.


  • “Pedagogy and Practice in the Online Creative Writing Classroom,” forthcoming in The Journal of Creative Writing Studies, April 2024.
  • Short story, “How to Become a Mother” in LIT, February 2024.
  • Short story, “The Bodyguard” in Serpentine Vol 3, August 2022.
  • “Craft Through the Lens of Marginalized Identities,” in The Journal of Creative Writing Studies, 2022.
  • “Antiracist Approaches to Reading, Writing, and Teaching Fiction and Memoir,” in The Journal of Creative Writing Studies, 2022.
  • Chapter “Introduction to LGBTQ Studies: Designing the Course,” Theory and Praxis: Women’s and Gender Studies in Community Colleges, Eds. Carminati and Rellihan. Arlington, Va.: Gival Press, 2019.  
  • Short story “Remembered If Outlived” in FemSpec, June 2012.
  • “From Dora to Her: Beyond Freud’s Hysterical Bisexual” in Blossombones: The Freud Issue. Summer 2010.
  • Chapter “Stepping Into the Same River Twice: The Tragic Sexual Mulatto and Subversion of the Inside/Outside Dialectic in the Novels of E. Lynn Harris and Alice Walker” Straight Writ Queer: Nonnormative Expressions of Heterosexuality in Literature. Ed. Richard Fantina. New York: McFarland, 2006. 


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School of Liberal Arts

Alicia M. Morse, Ph.D., dean


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