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BIO-201 Plant Taxonomy

A study of the identification, naming and classification of native vascular plants. Master the applications of plant taxonomy for the identification of individual plant species and the designation of various habitat types like forests, meadows, wetlands and bogs. Learn the features of plants that are used for plant identification through the use of manuals, keys, plant collections and herbaria. May require one day long Saturday field trip. Lab fee $25. Prerequisite: BIO 103 or BIO 113 or permission of the department chair; eligibility for ENG 101/ENG 101A and for any general education math.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 4 Credits

Section: 001 (Closed)

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: TTH

Time: 2:00PM to 4:45PM

Start Date: 01/23/2025

End Date: 05/18/2025

Location: Arnold Campus

Room: HLSB 103 Building:
Health and Life Sciences

Instructor: Varies (Subject to change)

Class Size: 24