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EDU-245 Materials for Teaching Reading

Select, evaluate, and organize materials for teaching reading, writing, and related literacy skills. Identify characteristics of effective literacy programming and instruction. Use a variety of strategies to engage students with print and multimedia resources for the purpose of reading and writing. Examine how best to provide culturally responsive literacy instruction that promotes all students' cultural competence through inclusive and equitable literacy learning opportunities. EDU 245 is a Maryland State Department of Education approved reading course. Prerequisite: A Bachelor's degree and seeking teacher certification or permission of department chair.

Term: Spring 2025

Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits

Section: 200 (Closed)

Ways to take the class: Online

Start Date: 01/22/2025

End Date: 03/16/2025

Location: Online

Room: TBA

Instructor: Pamela H Segal (Subject to change)

Class Size: 25