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ART-218 Write for Stage & Screen Wrksp

Analyze successful stage plays and screenplays with an eye toward original composition. Discover how to tell gripping stories and learn the fundamental principles and techniques of shaping those stories for the stage and for the screen. Explore ways of building compelling characters, writing effective and memorable dialogue, and structuring dramatic and cinematic acts and scenes. Share writing during workshop sessions in order to hone drafts, develop critical thinking skills, and refine individual style. Prerequisite: ART 180 or ENG 200 or THA 125 or permission of the department chair. Note: Also offered as ENG 203; credit is not given for both ART 218 and ENG 203.

Term: Fall 2024

Course Type: Credit - 3 Credits

Section: 001 (Closed)

Ways to take the class: Face-to-face

Days: MW

Time: 2:00PM to 3:15PM

Start Date: 08/26/2024

End Date: 12/15/2024

Location: Arnold Campus

Room: HUM 112 Building:

Instructor: Garrett Brown (Subject to change)

Class Size: 20