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AACC Serving as County Vaccination Site

People enter the Anne Arundel County Department of Health COVID-19 vaccination clinic.

This news release may be out of date. For the latest information on the county's vaccination site at Anne Arundel Community College, visit the Anne Arundel Department of Health’s COVID website. There, you can find appointments, contact information and more.

Jan. 20, 2021

AACC is happy to serve as an Anne Arundel County Department of Health COVID-19 vaccination site. As a reminder, we only provide space for the county's clinic. AACC does not have specific information about distribution and you cannot sign up for vaccinations at AACC.

We will direct all questions about the clinic to the county's COVID-19 Health Line at 410-222-7256 or You also can learn more online about the Anne Arundel County vaccination rollout and preregister for a vaccination. According to the health department, people in any priority group can preregister. The preregistered individuals will be emailed from the health department vaccination appointment times and clinic locations once there is vaccine rollout for their specific phase and group.

To receive a vaccination, you must have an appointment through the county. Appointments will be at vaccination clinics including AACC, Glen Burnie and other sites around the county.


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Alicia Renehan
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