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Man and woman talking outside.

Members of the Peer Learning Partnership also have the opportunity to join different committees within this community of lifelong learners. These committees help organize activities and events for PLP members throughout the year. Find out more below about the social and cultural activities within the PLP!

Enjoy Social Activities

The PLP Hospitality and Outreach committee offers a social activity every month to which all members are invited. These include luncheons, picnics, holiday parties, theater outings and similar activities. There is no cost for social events beyond what is charged by the venue (restaurant, theater, etc.).

Participate in Cultural Outings

PLP offers excursions to cultural sites and events, such as museums, art exhibits, musical performances, etc. Members are eligible to sign up for these events at the rate charged by the venue (often discounted for PLP) plus a nominal fee for transportation provided by AACC.


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Peer Learning Partnership


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