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Tracey Short

Tracey Short and partner standing in front of Niagara Falls. Both are wearing bike helmets.
Assistant Professor and LPN Program Coordinator 
School of Health Sciences 


Master of Science 
Health Science Leadership and Management, Education 
University of Maryland School of Nursing 

Bachelor of Science 
University of Maryland School of Nursing 

Bachelor of Science  
Biological Science 
University of Maryland Baltimore County 

Associate of Science 
Community College of Baltimore County 

Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse 

Certified Nurse Educator, novice 


  • Camping 
  • Attending Baltimore Ravens games 

A Little More 

Tracey Short knows what it means to redefine yourself. For almost 20 years she was a flight attendant. Then she transitioned to a career in nursing. Now she’s an educator. 

“Others see my example and realize it's never too late to change course and go after your dreams,” she said. 

Short works PRN (or pro re neta, meaning as the need arises) on the abdominal transplant unit at the University of Maryland Medical Center. She has seen firsthand how nursing can change the trajectory of a family’s life, in earning potential for the nurse but also for the families on the receiving end of a nurse’s care. 

“The time spent caring, educating and advocating makes a difference in a patient and their loved ones' health outcomes,” she said. “There is no replacement for that care. Good nurses save lives in more ways than one.” 

Short joined AACC in 2019, hoping to pass on her passion for nursing to her students. She sees potential in every single student and hopes her students know they have the power to change the world. 

“I love it when I see those little ‘a-ha!’ moments. I am rooting for every one of them.” 

In her spare time, Short is an avid camper (or “glamper” as her friends would say). On weekends she can often be found near the water, relaxing by a campfire. She’s also a big Baltimore Ravens fan and is a season ticket holder. 


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